Getting started with React Native

Here's a short note on my understanding of React Native and how to set it up.

React Native is a combination of react and react native special components to build native mobile applications for android and iOS. The code written compiles javascript to a native app for mobile on android and iOS

Set up


Installing Expo CLI

npm install --global expo-cli
  • Expo go app - Download the Expo mobile app to open up apps built with Expo CLI

Create a project and start the development server

In a terminal run this command which will create a new project:

expo init your-project-name

// navigate to the project
cd your-project-name

// start the development server
expo start

The app can be viewed on the Expo go app or a virtual device.

That's how to set up React Native for development using Expo CLI. For more information, view the Expo docs - here and the React Native docs - here